07 May 2010

Rosa primula - the Incense Rose

Rosa primula (formerly called Rosa ecae in garden literature) is a beautiful shrubby rose (1-2 m high) with pale yellow flowers and scented foliage.

According to the Flora of China, it is found growing on scrubby hillsides between 800 and 2500m in various Chinese provinces (Gansu, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Sichuan). It extends West from China and is said to have been originally introduced from Samarkand in Uzbekistan, on the old Silk Road from China.

Flowering in early May it is one of the earliest roses to flower, perhaps the earliest in many regions. In 2010 (a generally early year admittedly) it was in full flower in the Arnold Arboretum in Massachusetts on 6 May.

The leaves are delicate and fern-like, with glands that are the source of the scent, released well from young leaves in warm damp weather and said to smell of incense. The red hips and distinctive stems provide some winter interest.

1 comment:

  1. Are there any other similar roses to R. primula. I have a 1-2 meter, hardy, no fuss, spring blooming single yellow, more of a maroon-brown hip, spreads by suckers under ground, NOT 'fern like foliage'. Does this ring a bell for you?
